Robert Griffin III Not Worried About Lamar Jackson Taking Job

After a year out of football, Robert Griffin III got another chance to prove he can still play.  The Baltimore Ravens signed him to backup Joe Flacco. However Lamar Jackson may change plans.

If Flacco struggled this season Griffin was expected to step up and try to lead the team to wins. Flacco struggled last season.

However, Griffin’s chances of becoming the team’s quarterback took a hit when they drafted Louisville’s Lamar Jackson in the first round of the NFL Draft. With three quarterbacks on the roster, Griffin’s spot is no longer guaranteed, but the quarterback isn’t letting it bother him.

“When they drafted Lamar, I didn’t look at it as a shot at me or a shot at Joe,” Griffin told USA Today’s Mike Jones. “It was ‘OK, Lamar is coming in here, and it’s our job to help him learn the offense and help him compete.’ So, for me, my job is to show them that I’m an asset to the team and not a detriment.”

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Despite the fact that both players will be competing for the same job when they start training c amp, Griffin seems to be open to the idea of mentoring Jackson and showing him the ropes, and also shut down rumors that he was using his time with the Ravens to showcase for other teams. The San Francisco 49ers also took a shot at signing RG 3.

“One [reporter] asked me if I was trying to showcase for other teams,” Griffin said. “No, my focus is, ‘I’m a Baltimore Raven. I’m showcasing to them that this is where I’m supposed to be.'”

“I look at myself as an old, young guy,” Griffin said. “I’m 28, so I’m still young. But I’ve been around the block. I feel like the chips have been stacked against me numerous times throughout my life — not just my career. The biggest thing I learned last year was, whatever your first instinct is to do when you are faced with an obstacle, when you face a challenge in life, that’s who you are.

“I feel like I’m a fighter. My first instinct is to continue to keep swinging, continue to keep trying, perfect my craft as best I can.”

June 7, 2018 by : Posted in ravens No Comments

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